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Youth & Young Adult Ministry

Youth & Young Adult Ministry


Our Mission Statement

“Inspired by Jesus Christ, we engage with Young people in exploring faith and life issues and journey with them in discovering their worth and potential to live life in service of others.


Clonard Youth Ministry and Young Adult Ministry works in collaboration with the Redemptorist Community in Clonard to create a centre of outreach, welcome and faith, where young people have the freedom to discover the crazy love of God. We create an open and inclusive atmosphere that respects the life experience and faith story of each young person. We accompany young people on their journey of faith and self-discovery. Our ministry takes many different forms as outlined in this section of our website.


Meet The Team

Jayne Neeson

I love the diversity in the ministry we engage in and enjoy working with like-minded people. I look forward to all of the new experiences working in Clonard has to offer. I am keen musician and have been playing the piano for over seven years. I also like to attend concerts and music festivals.

Clodagh Cooke

During this time, I have met lots of new people and have gained a lot of memorable experiences. It has encouraged me to give something back to the community. Alongside working in Clonard, I have a part time job and am also completing a level 3 OCN in Youth and Community Work. I enjoy travelling and socialising with my friends.

Aidan McGeough

It was such a worthwhile and enjoyable experience that it encouraged me to get involved in various other projects and events. A real highlight was the European Youth Congress in Italy last in 2013. It has been an interesting transition to become a member of the team this year. I now have a deeper insight into the skills and attitudes that are necessary to be a successful youth worker.


Retreat Experiences

Providing Retreat experiences is a central part of our ministry. Each year we engage with thousands of young people through Retreats with School, Parish and Youth Groups from across the North of Ireland.

It is important to take time out from our ordinary life to reflect and relax. It is even more important for young people who are at a crossroads in life to have this time away from the stresses and pressures of modern life to hear the Gospel message. A Retreat provides a perfect opportunity to do this as a group.

At the heart of our Retreat programme is the creation of a welcoming, caring and safe environment that encourages participants to explore their faith. A wide range of techniques and activities are used to provide an enjoyable and stimulating experience. These include large group activities and games, small discussion groups, role play, music, drama and Para-Liturgies.

Each of the activities is designed to encourage the participation of all students and to raise their self-esteem. The views and creativity of young people are valued and celebrated. Teamwork, Leadership and communication skills are also developed.

Every young person is included and valued as their character, experiences, personal strengths, gifts and talents add life to the Retreat. We explore a range of relevant life issues in an age appropriate manner such as social responsibility, transition, relationships and spirituality.

Over the last number of years we have also developed a programme for Primary 7 pupils to reflect on the meaning of the Sacrament of Confirmation in preparation for the transition to post-primary school. This has proven to be a very successful and in-demand programme.

We aim to create a bespoke programme for each group we engage with. Retreats can be conducted in Clonard or at a suitable venue in your locality. For more information, please contact us.

Volunteering & Training

For over ten years, young adults from German and Ireland have availed of a full-time volunteer placement on the team. This practical experience of ministry has been supported by an in-depth programme of training and qualifications in youth work, ministry and community relations. All the volunteers have flourished as a result of their volunteer experience, with many deciding to pursue careers in the youth work sector.
Throughout the year, we offer opportunities for accredited youth work and leadership training for all the young people who volunteer in Clonard to support their ongoing development. This training is usually delivered by YouthLink, who we have a close working relationship with.

We also provide opportunities for young people to become involved in the liturgical life of the Church here in Clonard in various ways such as Ministers of the Eucharist, Ministers of the Word, Children’s Liturgy Leaders, Church and Carpark Stewards and in Music Ministry. Their contribution has truly enriched and enlivened the faith community, especially at the Solemn Novena.

Pilgrimages & Youth Gathering

These experiences of peer-to-peer ministry have been very uplifting and engaging.
Each year a team of young adults accompany the Clonard Pilgrimage to Lourdes. The team provide assistance and support to the sick and elderly. This annual visit to this centre of prayer and healing is truly humbling and life-affirming experience.

We also participate in European Redemptorist Youth Congresses, which occur approximately every three years. These meetings which are attended by hundreds of young people , are a time for prayer, catechesis, socialising and celebration. It also encourages those who participate to explore and express their understanding of the Redemptorist mission and spirituality. The next gathering will be in Spain in 2017.